
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Decent Desirable Denmark

 Kia ora bloggers and welcome back to my blog. I can't believe this term is nearly over and also the end of the year. It has been a good two years in this hub with all the fun and crazy adventures we have had as a hub. The end of term 4 means that our school goes swimming at qe11 for 2 full weeks. I was one of the people who don't go swimming so I was back at the hub doing some work. Last week in the afternoon, the students that were back at the hub were allowed to finish off their Inquiry. But this week our teachers said that we had had enough time to complete our Inquiry projects, which were in a country that we got from the teachers. We are also having an international day next week where everyone can come into our hub and see the different groups country learning. Now, the teachers have given us some activities to choose from. There were about 12 activities tp pick from and since I'm not a swimmer I have a lot more time to complete these so we had to do 2 in one week. I chose to do the activity where you explain about Christmas in a country and to explain some traditions about that country. I decided to do the country Denmark because I haven't heard much about Denmark and I thought it would be cool learning about it. If you want to, you can click on a few of the objects in the classroom and some information should pop up for you to read it if you want. 

Thank you for reading thing blog post. I found this quite fun and I still have another task to do, but I don't know which one I'm going to do next. If I had a chance I would explore a different country next time. It has been very cool blogging my school learning for about 4 years I actually can't believe that it is almost Christmas time and the new year. I hope you have had a good week so far. See you next blog post!!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Ta Moko

 Kiaora everyone and welcome back to my blog. It is already week 3 and this term has gone super fast already. By the time I know it, it will be the end of the year and I will be going to highschool not too long after. For Inquiry this term the Tora hub is going to be learning all about cultures all around the world. To start the culture learning off, we have been learning tons about New Zealand that we didn't know already. At the start of the term, we did the All Blacks haka. It was hard at the start to get the hang of it but when we started to put it together and get better at it, it was really easy and cool to watch. 

After that, we learned more about the food that is in New Zeland and food that are exported out of our country. On Tuesday we did a task that was set by one of our teachers. It was cultural things that are shown in New Zealand. We had to research 1 of the 3 and write down the before and after of the thing that we chose. I chose to do Ta Moko since it seems really interesting and is also cool because it is shown in kapa haka groups and performances. 

As you can see, there is a lot of information about Ta Moko. There is also a difference between the before and after of the Ta Moko including the method of doing it and some more. Thank you for ready my blog post about The Ta Moko. I will post tons more of our cultural learning and things to do with literacy and numeracy. Have a good week! Ka Kite!!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Holiday Fun

 Kia ora everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week has been packed with lots of fun and amazing events such as the leaders training course which I was a part of and just technology as always. Today I'm going to be sharing with you my favourite part of the recent two week holiday. I went up to Auckland to spend time with my family and celebrate Grandma's birthday. The very last night we were in Auckland, we had a bonfire which was really cool to see since aI hadn't really seen one before. It was on a farm so we had much more room to do the bonfire instead of doing it in a tiny backyard. The bonfire was really bright and really warm so we were able to roast marshmallows on it as a treat for the last night there and just because we were hungry. 

It was really fun and cold that night so I'm glad we got armed up from the bonfire. I really enjoyed my time in Auckland especially because I hadn't seen my family for ages, it was a really good catch up. Thank you for reading my blog post this week and I hope you had an amazing holiday as well. There are only 10 more weeks in this term and sadly I am leaving this school and going to high school which will be different but cool to experience and learn more about. Bye!!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Our Rocket Video

 Kiaora bloggers and welcome back to my blog. It is finally the last week of the term which means we have 2 weeks of holiday and also spend time with family and friends. This term has been a long term with about 14 weeks non-stop, I think. Everyone is so very tired but just because of that doesn't mean we don't continue our learning each day. In the inquiry, you probably have already heard about this but, we have been creating and learning about rockets and space. The part that I fund most interesting about rockets is the cost and time that goes into each one of these rockets. You wouldn't think that the rockets would cost that much to build because you only use it once then you have to rebuild or add some more touches onto it. For the past week and a half, we have been creating our videos in the group that we built our rockets in and explained exactly what we learnt and some other things as well. 

The video part was really cool and creative because you got to decide where you wanted your video to be set which is amazing. I think our rocket explanation video is cool and really creative. My team and I worked really well together because we are friends and we got a lot of work done surprisingly. Thank you for reading my blog post and I hope you like the video. You should really do something like this with your group and like investigate more what you don't already know about what you're doing. Have a good holiday and I'll be back after the holidays posting more of my school life and learning. 

Super sign language video

 Kiaora blogger and welcome back to my blog. You may not know yet, but this week it is New Zealand sign language. Our class is celebrating this week by doing a fun task that involves learning how to sign with your fingers and using resources online to learn how to sign. NZ Sign Language is one of 3 official languages recognised in New Zealand.  This poster here is the official signs for each letter of the alphabet and some common words used in greetings. Watch the video below once, and then try to copy the letters as they slowly do them. To show what we have learnt during the time we have, we were to make a video of us signing "Kiaora, my name is" and then sign your name to complete the sentence. Here is the video of me signing that phrase.

I'm having technical difficulties with loading the video so when it works i'll put in on here. I fund this task really fun and really cool especially because I haven't learnt sign language before. You should give it a go. If you want to learn more about sign language like your name and simple phrases, you can go onto sign ninja or you can look at the photo above to learn the alphabet, your name and small phrases. Thank you for reading this weeks blog post. It is almost the holidays and I will probably post again this week. Have a good holiday if I don't post anytime after this.


Friday, September 11, 2020

Lucky, launched rocket

 Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog. This week has been really cool because on Tuesday we got to launch the final product of our rocket. Our rocket is really colourful and my group and I put lots of time and effort to perfect our rocket. We had some time on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday to create and come up with a design and idea for our rocket to launch as high as possible. Our rocket went really hight and it was in the air for quite some time as well. My group and I were really surprised after it got launched because we didn't think it would go as high as it actually went. Thankfully we filmed the very last launch so than I can show you how great our rocket was.


You may not be able to see it but if you can, it went really high and stayed in the air for quite sometime after we launched it. It was hard sometimes because it wouldn't go quite how we wanted it but we are still very proud of how hard we worked to get the final product of our rocket. Thank you for reading my blog post and I hope you come back for another blog post of mine soon. Have a good weekend! See you next time!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

PSA - Coding

 Kia ora Bloggers and welcome back to my blog. It's finally the middle of the week which means we only have half the week left at school. For the last couple of weeks, we have been getting taught by our teacher on how to code your own game or system thing. We had to code in words which is complicated but fun at the same time. We have been coding a game to address a world issue that is something bad like littering or something else like that. I decided to do my game on littering because I think it's really important to know not to litter where ever you are in the world. My message on my game is to tell anyone in the park not to litter. 

These images are about how I coded it and how the game worked in the end, also about what it looks like. This process did take me two Wednesdays to complete and I think I can do better if I had more time to do it. I will defiantly use this website next time if I want to code a really easy game. This website is called Codesters if you want to give it a go. Thank you for reading my blog post. Make sure you come back next blog post for some extra fun in your day! Have a good week.